Functional Fuzziness Framework (FFF): Key Equations
Foundational Binary
The foundational binary describes the interplay between Being and Non-Being:
To smooth transitions, we define:
The flow of causality is given by:
Planck Length
The Planck length is the smallest meaningful unit of spacetime:
It arises naturally from the interplay of the constants (Planck's constant), (gravitational constant), and (speed of light).
Speed of Causality
The speed of light, , represents the maximum speed of causality:
This universal constant ensures the unidirectional flow of causality across spacetime.
Quantum Foam Dynamics
The energy density of the quantum foam is modeled as:
where is a stochastic term with correlations:
Dark Energy and Spacetime Expansion
The rate of spacetime creation is proportional to the energy density in the quantum foam:
Cosmic acceleration is derived as:
Energy Recycling
The recycling of energy across process levels is expressed as:
Cosmological Constant Upper Limit
The cosmological constant is tied to the quantum foam’s energy density:
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